The One Amazing Fact You Simply Must Know to Live Through a Devastating Hurricane Storm

January 14, 2020 michealhopkins No comments exist


“The massive hurricane storm tore through the coastline and slammed into the seaside city with the crushing force of over one hundred fully loaded locomotives. As the terrified household gathered together the howling winds made it difficult to speak and be heard … and the complete darkness that had enveloped them, threatened to crush the hope out of their tired bodies”.

To help you gain a significant advantage in surviving life-threatening natural disasters, such as an enormous hurricane or cyclone storm, right here is the one proven key you MUST understand to survive any catastrophe, natural or in everyday life itself.

SURVIVAL FACT: Attitude Is Everything.

Attitude is the most essential word in the survival language. Attitude is a way of thinking or a decision you make. You chose to be positive or negative, to learn or remain ignorant, and to be a survivor in life or not. Ability, understanding and experience in natural catastrophe circumstances are important, however attitude is everything. You can have all you need in emergency situation preparedness and the perfect action plan of survival when you find yourself confronted by a destructive natural disaster or man caused emergency – however, without the right attitude, it’ll all mean nothing …

So, how do you prepare yourself and your household to make it through a major disaster like the indescribable rage of a tropical hurricane storm before it strikes? You require the right attitude together with a basic action plan. Skill, knowledge and experience in life’s emergency incidents are essential, but attitude is everything.

Now listen closely …

In severe conditions the ability to make common life-saving and crucial survival decisions depend on you having a right mindset that is focused on efficient and persuasive confident thought patterns.

In a natural disaster or a daily-life scary emergency situation we can discover our ‘survival’ thought patterns are generally negative and focused inwardly on ourselves (taking a look at the problem) and are primarily subconscious, meaning they tend to be automatic reactions that are based upon emotional feelings (worry, confusion, anxiety) with little ‘thought’ behind them.

However, confident ‘survival’ thought patterns in an emergency situation are usually focused externally on our encompassing situation (discovering an option) and are primarily conscious, implying they are made by a decisive effort of will based on recognized truths with precise ‘belief patterns’ (simple strategy) behind them, 릴게임사이트 giving you ‘control’ over how you act decisively as a survivor – even in the confusion and havoc of a fiercely destructive tropical hurricane.

Needless to point out, confident thinking patterns are more effective with better results than negative thinking patterns plus, in life’s language you need to get rid of negative words like, ‘Can’t’, ‘Shouldn’t’, ‘Wouldn’t’ or ‘Don’t’ and replace them with empowering words like, ‘Can’, ‘Will’, 릴게임 ‘Try’ and ‘Do’.

Our uncertain thought patterns have a tendency to be the ‘default’ program of our thinking; they simply instantly kick-in and begin affecting our actions. However, positive thought patterns take a mindful and definitive effort to become our ‘default’ program of thinking in exactly how to make it through a natural or life defining catastrophe.

Keep in mind, as you think … so it is with you.

To discipline ourselves to knowingly be concentrated on confident survival thought patterns, rather than dropping into our ‘automatic default’ indecisive thought patterns, is to think externally (concentrate on facts, not emotions) and to act quickly on our simple strategy.

Selecting an all-important ‘strategy’ incorporated with the right mindset will give you and your household a significant advantage in being prepared and all set to survive a hurricane storm that can shred a city apart or in truth, daily life itself.

Ron Kelly is a former Crisis Response Professional experienced in disaster and emergency situations. He founded the ‘Shortcut’ Action Plan Blueprints that tell you how to survive a terrifying hurricane storm . He is author of today’s ‘wacky and zany’ survival action heroes

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